

1. Limited liability

The contents of this website shall be created with utmost care, however, the provider shall not take over any guarantee for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the contents provided. Use of any contents displayed on this site shall be made at user’s own risk. Contents attributed to a named author shall give the opinion of that author and not necessarily that of the provider. With the pure use of the website of the provider no contractual relationship shall come about between the user and the provider.

2. External links

This website contains links to websites of third parties (“external links”). These websites shall be subject to the respective operator’s liability. The provider reviewed the third-party contents at the time the initial link was created to determine any legal violations. No legal breaches were in evidence at that time. The provider shall in no way be able to influence the current and future layout and contents of the pages to which links point. The inclusion of external links does not mean that the provider has assumed as his own the contents to which the link or reference points. A constant control of these external links shall not be reasonable for the provider without concrete tips to legal offence. If knowledge of infringements is received, however, such external links will be deleted without delay.

3. Originator and achievement protection rights

The contents published on this website shall be subject to the German originator and achievement protection right. Any non authorized usage, not covered by the German originator and achievement protection right, requires the previous written approval of the respective providers or copyright owner. This shall apply in particular to the duplication, processing, translation, storage, handling and reproduction of the contents in databases or other electronic media and systems. Third-party contents and right shall be identified as such in this regard. Unauthorized copying or forwarding of individual contents or complete pages shall not be allowed and shall be liable to prosecution. Only the creation of copies or downloads for personal, private information and not for commercial use shall be permissible. The display of this website in other frames shall only be allowed after obtaining of permission.

4. Special terms of utilization

As far as special user requirements for the usage of this website differ from the above-mentioned information points 1 through 3, it will be specified in the corresponding section. In this case, the special terms of use shall apply in each individual case.

Do you have any questions about our services?
We will be happy to advise you by phone. Make an appointment with us to call you back or use the contact form if you prefer to communicate by e-mail.
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