Use our microsites for participant registration, digital submission of documents, information on terms of participation, etc. for your cashback, bonus or sweepstake campaign.
By PORTICA microsite we mean a small website or a registration platform with fewer sub-pages than a regular website. With a microsite, cashback, sweepstakes and bonus promotions can be presented in a striking and user-friendly way.
Increase efficiency and convenience.
All contents of the microsite will be designed exactly according to your wishes and in your corporate design. All microsite data can be directly and efficiently transferred to the WebCampaignManager PORTICA wcm and archived there in an audit-proof manner. You have access to data and reports anytime and anywhere.
Offer your customers a user-friendly platform.
Your customers can use a variety of devices to access your microsite because no Flash technology is used. The products are selected via an attractive selection field. Notifications are sent via email.
Improve workflows and security.
Streamline workflows, for example through automatic postcode checking or document upload and address entry by users. Additional modules such as collecting mechanisms are possible. All product data is securely captured and automatically compared with the EAN – e.g. for cashback campaigns.
Rely on an open system.
PORTICA microsite is based on LAMP technology: with LINUX operating system, Apache web server, MySQL database and PHP programming language.
The services for your microsites:
- Microsite in your corporate design
- Interface to WebCampaignManager PORTICA wcm
- High availability
- Available on all devices without Flash technology
- Document upload and address capture by users
- Automatic postcode check
- Control through implementation of tracking codes
- E-mail notifications
- Simple billing model
- Additional modules possible