We take over the manual compilation of your stock goods.
We take over the manual compilation of your stock goods.

No matter whether you form product bundles, compile folders for training courses or send an OEM package to the entire sales team: we handle it for you reliably and quickly.

Packaging / Circulars

Rely on a fast and reliable compilation of your items.

During packaging, units of different articles are combined to form a complete unit. PORTICA has decades of experience in the packaging of advertising and trade fair articles, information documents, operating instructions, brochures and much more. Even orders with high quantities can be implemented in a short time for you. We guarantee high quality and punctual delivery of your items.

Demand versatile services for your challenging orders.

Regardless how complex your finishing requirements are, you can rely on our service. No matter if you want to assemble small parts, make manual adjustments or refinements such as laser engraving necessary, instruct the compilation of folders or the repacking of items in special packaging or require other labelling, sorting, tagging and much more.

Make sure that your materials are shipped well and on time.

In the case of circulars or push orders, it is important that a large number of recipients receive the right articles in the right quantity and in perfect condition on time. One of our easier tasks. Be it the periodical equipment of your branches, information material for a product launch or the dispatch of updated internal documents: you can rely on our service.

Our Services:

  • Compilation of product bundles / item sets
  • Finishing, labeling, adhesive coating or other processing of items
  • Assembly of folders
  • Mailing campaigns
  • Bulk or circular mailings to distributors, trading partners or other recipients
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